I also want you to know that because of what I've learned from you, I was better able to support a mom helping to make our school better for her autistic daughter.

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This is a beautiful story. My kids also see every bug as precious and worthy of protection. Once my son was stung by a bee. Its stinger was in the side of his foot and the bee was struggling to extract it. My son knew that bees often don't survive a sting as leaving the stinger behind causes them too much damage. Despite real pain, my son waited hoping the bee would free itself from his foot and live. We can all nurture this kindness in our children.

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Sep 27Liked by James McCall, Samia

This care for all creatures reminds me of the children’s book that I loved to read in class as well as to my own called “HEY LITTLE ANT”. It is about a little boy who sees an ant on the sidewalk and is about to step on it (on purpose) when the ant stops him to talk about his life and family. The ant tells the boy why it might not be a big deal to the boy to step on an ant, but it was definitely a big deal to the ant and his family. It ends with a drawing of the any under a raised shoe asking the question “. What would you do”? This question could start a big conversation or maybe just thinking about someone or something from their point of view. The kids always would end this story with answering the question for themselves as they left the meeting to go to snack. Big concepts for children to start to conceptualize.

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Sep 26Liked by Samia

That is beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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